Year 4, first live co-op after-party

Walking between the annual meeting at a historic private school around the corner and the social gathering in our lobby, I had occasion to inform a couple of neighbor/friends: “What didn’t kill us made us meaner.” Luckily, there was so much pent-up social demand the rest of the evening was pretty engaging. I, being anti-social, […]

Year 4, while masking for smoke

My consort always says you could set the atomic clock by my remorse, and he’s definitely right about my cookie regret. It’s coming up on three years that I have been baking nearly every week for a neighborhood church’s free-lunch program, and I really wish I had kept track of all I’ve done. I use […]

Evelyn Wood’s egg salad

Three years ago or so we were taking our sweet time with everything in the kitchen, given that we could only leave our apartment once a day cuz the Bible-thumpers’ tent set up across the park from us was such a grim reminder that breath was spreading death. Meals had to expand to fill endless […]

Thanksgiving III: Sweet Potatoes Anna

Twitter is real life, but apparently I can still step away long enough, once in a while, to cook a turkey dinner even though very few plates will be filled cuz #pandemicaintover. I did the big bird, the mashed potatoes, the gravy and the pumpkin-thyme rolls I always do the same way I always do […]

You can’t hurry amatriciana

That was the Tweet on my mind on rushing into the kitchen after a late-afternoon outing to the Guggenheim (the Alex Katz lure was amazing, the Nick Cave bonus blowaway) and realizing I had not left enough time to do the proper pasta prep I’d promised Bob at the Greenmarket this a.m. when he wanted […]

Year 3: Steelhead trout

In one of the last months before the world spun off its axis, we ate out 15 times. (I know because a friend in London emailed for restaurant advice and I had plenty at hand, neither of us understanding what fresh hell lay ahead.) I doubt we ate out that many times for the next […]

Bridge season 3: Upgraded succotash

As I keep Tweeting, you need real self-restraint to walk through a Greenmarket this time of year — Nature is a mean mom, putting so much in season all at once. I always hold off on buying the esoteric hard squash next to the heirloom tomatoes, though, and the next thing I know only butternut […]

Baking through brain fog: Lemon-poppyseed cake

We finally got it (& I got it twice, with the Paxlovid rebound the doctor we couldn’t get in to see warned), so I’m half-reveling in writing off any mistakes to aftermath issues with a disease even the most forward-thinking scientists don’t understand. Good friends invited us to dinner and I insisted on bringing dessert […]

Tuna recycled/bucatini is back

I’ve undoubtedly said this before, but my consort always used to jokingly suggest turkey tetrazzini as a destination for Thanksgiving leftovers & then I started taking him seriously. We’ve since both conceded you cannot go wrong with mushrooms in cream, so when we had leftover tuna steak this week I just said the T word […]